Aspect Radio #63: War Horse, Adventures of Tintin, Young Adult, Spielberg Support Group

Ben and Corey give a rising star a chance, as indie newcomer Steven Spielberg released two movies worth taking a look at in 2011.

First up is WAR HORSE, the sprawling and episodic WWI tale of bravery and perseverance. One of us is over the moon for it and even files it alongside other Spielberg classics, while the other finds some inconsistencies but digs it immensely.

Also on tap is Spielberg’s venture into motion-capture with THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN, a rollicking and globetrotting adventure that should dazzle you plenty for an hour and a half.

We thought we’d also say a word or two about director Jason Reitman’s fourth film and second collaboration with writer Diablo Cody YOUNG ADULT, starring Charlize Theron.

Closing things out, we share our Spielberg Support Group, our favorite background characters in the Beard’s films.


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